Setting the default contact type for items created in Outlook

Learn how to set the default contact type for items created in outlook.

In case it is not possible (for whatever reasons) to set a default contact type for appointments that have been created in Outlook via Aurea CRM using a trigger, you could implement this via SyncML_gw2mm.xslt as sketched below.

<xsl:when test='not(../../syncml:Target)'>
 <xsl:element name='field'>
  <xsl:attribute name='name'>x-mmContactType</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name='tablename'>Contact</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name='fieldname'>Contact</xsl:attribute>#17

The general idea is to check if the element already has an mmKey value - if not, the element has not yet been synchronized. In this example the contact type is set to #17, change this accordingly depending on your requirements. However, if the feature "publish appointments" is used too, you have to consider that in your style-sheet as well.