Functional differences between Exchange Server Versions

Learn about the functional differences between Exchange Server Versions.

Coloring of synchronized messages in sub folders

Since the EWS API for Exchange 2007 does not support associated messages, the feature Coloring of synchronized messages in sub folders is not supported when using Exchange 2007.

New "Show as" type "Working Elsewhere"

With Outlook 2013 Working Elsewhere was introduced, but the API of EWS in combination with Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2010 doesn’t support this value13. Therefore we provide the following workaround: if during decoding of the status of an appointment an exception is raised connector assumes, that the status is Working Elsewhere and sends this value to Aurea CRM. But, if an appointment with status Working Elsewhere is modified in the CRM system and sent back to Exchange connector cannot store this status value and therefore sets the appointment status to Busy.

In other words: appointments of status "Working Elsewhere" might change their status to Busy during synchronization, when using Exchange Server versions prior to 2013.