Special UserSettings in Aurea CRM

Learn how to override global settings for a user.

It is possible to override some global settings of connector on user level. To implement such a mechanism you need to create an additional field UserSettings (type=Text, length=2048) in the Aurea CRM rep table (ID table). Using an XML-based description you can define the following special settings for specific users.

Note: Changes of UserSettings require a restart of the connector service in order to be applied.

Handling Attachments

It is possible to overrule the general setting (see "Attachments" Settings) how connector SE handles the synchronization of attachments for specific users (mailboxes).

synchronization of attachments for specific users (mailboxes).
  <EmailSync SyncAttach="save_whole_msg" AttachSizeLimit="5000" />
  <AppointSync_Ex2Up SyncAttach="true" AttachSizeLimit="2000" />
  <AppointSync_Up2Ex />

Figure 47, Special user settings for handling attachments

Supported values for EmailSync SyncAttach are save_whole_msg, true and false, supported values for AppointSync_Ex2Up SyncAttach are true and false. 36.

AttachSizeLimit is always a number >= 0 (if 0 there is no limitation for attachment size). There is also no limit if EmailSync SyncAttach is set to save_whole_msg). AttachSizeLimit is the size in KB.

36 See the supervisor manual on how to create an additional field, which is not part of the out-of-the-box Aurea CRM data model.

Note: If this feature is enabled, connector passes the HTML representation of an e-mail as provided by EWS to CRM.interface unmodified. Since HTML is a very chatty language (with potentially a lot of formatting information) the e-mail body might not be stored fully in the particular text field in Aurea CRM. Therefore we recommend to check with some typical test e-mails – if most of these e-mails do not fit into the text field, we suggest using the Save whole message as MSG file (attachments included) feature instead.

Handling Private Appointments

It is possible to override the global settings how connector handles the synchronization of private appointments on user level. You can turn on the synchronization of private appointments via <AppointSync_Ex2Up SyncPrivate="true"/> or turn it off using the following XML syntax <AppointSync_Ex2Up SyncPrivate="false"/>.

Categorization of contact persons

It is possible to override the global settings regarding categorization of contact persons on user level, e.g. via the <ContactSync Category="My Category" /> element.

Special user settings for handling categories

The following logic applies:

Global setting User setting [Resulting]Folder
"CRM" Category = "" Category notset
"CRM" Category = " My Category " "My Category"
Category = " My Category " "My Category"
"CRM" Category notset "CRM"
Category notset Category notset