Landing page layouts

Landing Page Layouts are used to insert web parts and include a selection of different templates and layouts that can be used to structure content for users.

The following landing page layouts are part of Bonzai Intranet:

Landing Page Layout Name Description

Home Page 1

Five row and three column layout

Home Page 2

Three row and two column layout

Home Page 1 (4 Column)

Four columns and multiple row layout

Home Page 2 (4 Column)

Four columns and multiple row layout

Landing Page 1

Two row and three column layout

Landing Page 2

Two row and two column layout with sidebar

Landing Page 3

Three row with two columns with sidebar

Landing Page 4

Three row layout

Landing Page 1 (4 Column with Header)

Four column layout with header

Landing Page 1 (4 Column)

Four column layout with no header

Landing Page 1 (4 Column with Header)

Four column layout with header and left side bar

Landing Page 1 (4 Column)

Four column layout with no header and left side bar

Landing Page Search Results

Designed specifically to show search results and the document portal

Landing Page with Header

Show a header in the landing page