Content page layouts

Content Page layouts allow users to enter in content such as news, events, locations and generic pages.

Each content page is created using standard SharePoint components such as Content Types and an associated page layout. Additional functionality in pages such as social actions, contacts, feedback and related links are created through custom React client side code that is embedded into the page.

Page layouts contain custom metadata and publishing fields that can be used to add HTML text, embed content and web parts. Bonzai Intranet Page Layouts allow for web parts to be added to any web part Zone as well as Publishing regions.

The following content page layouts are part of Bonzai Intranet:

Content Page Layout Name Description

Event Page

Shows information about an event

News Page

Shows a news article or announcement

Spotlight Page

Spotlights a user or other type of achievement in an organization

Generic Page

Stores general web content in a standard format

Generic Page Full Width

Stores general web content in a full width design

Location Page

Stores information about a location