Content targeting logic

Here you can know how does Content Targeting work in Bonzai Intranet.

Although the Content Targeting mechanism seems simple it is extremely versatile and powerful. The Bonzai Intranet Content Targeting feature has been created considering the following guidelines:

  • If users do not choose to filter any content, then all content are displayed to them
  • If authors do not choose any targeting options, then this content is displayed to all users
  • Authors have the ability to target content across multiple categories. For example, show a news article to users in Vancouver and New York that are lawyers

The logic that is applied to content targeting is the following:

  • Selected options within a single category have the “OR” operator applied - For example, if an author selects ‘Vancouver’ and ‘New York’ as options in the ‘Location’ category then that content is visible to all users who are either in Vancouver OR New York
  • Selected options across categories have the “AND” operator applied - For example, if an author selects ‘Vancouver’ and ‘New York’ as options in the ‘Location’ category and selects ‘Lawyer’ in the ‘Job Role’ category then this content is visible to all users who are either in Vancouver OR New York AND are lawyers
  • If no options are selected in a category, then it is shown to all users - For example, if an author doesn’t select any values for ‘Location’ then that content is visible to all users regardless of location. This stops the case of an author not selecting any options and the content not being visible to anyone within the organization