Where are images used in Bonzai Intranet?

Images are used in Bonzai in several places throughout the platform as seen below:

Web Parts

Many of the web parts that we have in Bonzai show images, particularly for visually engaging content such as the News, Events, Slider and Spotlight web parts.

Images in web parts

Page Layouts

Many of the page layouts that we have in Bonzai allow you to have an image in the header such as the News, Events, Spotlight, Location and Services pages.

Images in page layouts

Page headers in landing pages

For the various landing pages in Bonzai that allow you to insert web parts you can also add a header image to help add visual flair. Ensure that you choose a page layout that has “Header” in the name so that this area works correctly.

Images in page headers in landing pages

Content Areas

You can place images anywhere in content such as pages or web part zones. This allows you to break up your content.


The Bonzai marketplace feature allows for end users to be able to post items for sale, give away or wanted. They can also attach any images to the entry that can be displayed.

Images in marketplace