Post installation steps

Learn about the post installation steps.

Creating a data base connection

If Aurea.CRM win is installed on the same computer where you are installing CRM.interface, setup has already copied the ..\sys directory to the Aurea CRM web directory.

Otherwise you must copy the ..\sys directory manually for CRM.interface to work or manually define the connection string in the mmdb.ini.

Note: By default the mmdb.ini is located in C:\Program Files\Aurea CRM\ CRMinterface BTB\web\system\sys file.

Creating the Technical (Shadow) User in Aurea.CRM

You need to create the Technical ("Shadow") User in Aurea CRM. To run CRM.interface you must map the technical user to a Rep of the type "Employee". Please refer to the Aurea CRM win manual on how to create a user. By default this user is the "WWW" user, but you can also change the user name of the technical user.

Also see Configuration of the technical user, creation of users.xml and Shadow User for further information.

Enabling Friendly Error Messages During Login

Friendly error messages displayed by CRM.Interface during login allows users with malicious intent to discern existing or valid users. Friendly error messages are disabled by default. To enable this feature set the FriendlyLoginError option to 1 in the settings.xml file, as shown in the sample below:

"FriendlyLoginError = 1"