
This topic has information about Tile-Search action template.

The Tile:Search action template is used to configure Search tiles on Details Overview pages and dashboards.

A Search tile displays the number of search results in a predefined search plus an explanatory text. Tapping on the tile displays a search page for the respective info area, listing the search results and allowing the user to change/refine the search.

The text and image displayed on the tile are configured by the menu action that is creating the tile. For further details, see Configuring a tile.

You can implement fixed filters for Search tiles:

  • Enter the filter as Filter Name in the Search&List configuration.
  • Enter the filter in the action (filter argument).

If you specified filters in both locations, the filters are combined using logical AND.

The applied filters are displayed in the header of the search page.

The Tile:Search action supports the following input arguments:


The name of the Search&List configuration to be used if a user taps the tile.

If undefined, the default Search&List configuration is used.


A fixed filter used for the search result, e.g. MA.MyToday in Tile:TodaysActivities.

If a Search&List configuration containing a filter is used, both filters are combined using logical AND. For further details see, name and Search&List Configuration.


link: Optional parent record of the search results (for linked searches, e.g. all MA records linked to a KP): Record or Linked.

linkId: ID of the link used for link (default=-1 i.e. the default link). This parameter is only relevant if multiple links between two info areas exist in the data model (e.g. mulitple FI-links in KM). For further details, see Link IDs in the Aurea CRM web Administrator Guide.


The color of the tile. If undefined, the global default color #eb5a19 is used.


The size of the tile. If undefined, the default size is the full width of the screen.