Table captions

Define table captions as in update.CRM web.

In table captions are used:

  • by Expand headers (as header text and breadcrumb parent). For further details, see Expand
  • to define the text on Record tiles. For further details, see Tile-Record

You can add fields from the current info area and from linked parent info areas. You can define alternate table captions in case one or more fields you use do not contain a value.


Use {1}, {2}, etc. to display the respective field values.

Use {label:1}, etc. to display a field's label.

For Boolean fields on Record tiles: Use {bool:1} to display the Boolean field's label if the field is set to true. If it is set to false, nothing is displayed. You can add an image (e.g. Icon:Check) to the table caption, that is displayed if the field is set to true.

You can add line breaks, blanks and separator characters (colon, comma, etc.).