Log Files

During the installation of hotfixes, information is written to log files.

By default, these log files are written to the MyDocuments directory of the current user. You can use the --Log parameter to specify another directory, For further details, see Parameters for all Aurea CRM applications.

Successful Installation

If the hotfix was installed successfully a log file named on the following template is created: Patch_succeeded_<Produkt>_<Branchenversion>_<Hotfix No.>_Log.txt. A sample log file name could be Patch_succeeded_web_BTB_11.2.10.800_Log.txt.

Unsuccessful Installation

If the hotfix could not be installed successfully a log file named on the following template is created: Patch_failed_<Produkt>_<Branchenversion>_<Hotfix No.>_Log.txt. A sample log file name could be Patch_failed_web_BTB_11.2.10.800_Log.txt.