Example | Synchronizing Additional Contact Fields

An example illustrates how to additionally synchronize the Aurea CRM field Division (Field number 11) to the Outlook field Department.

  1. Adding the additional field to forms.xml. If Division is not yet in the list of fields to synchronize, you have to add the Aurea CRM field Division to ensure that this field is exchanged during synchronization.
    <form type='mmPerson'>
     <table tablename='Person'>
      <field fieldname='CoGrp'/>
      <field fieldname='CoNo'/>
      <field fieldname='PeGrp'/>
      <field fieldname='Division'/>
  2. Adding the additional field to the style sheet SyncML_mm2gw.xslt. Ensure that the field is listed in the <xsl:template name='ConvertPerson'> template
    <xsl:template name='ConvertPerson'>
    <!-- custom fields -->
    <xsl:if test='syncml:Division'>
     <xsl:element name='Division' namespace='SYNCML:SYNCML1.1'>
      <xsl:value-of select='syncml:Division'/>
  3. Adding the additional field to the mapping table FieldMapping.xml.

    Add the field to the "mappable fields" list:

    <Field MapFieldID="18" OLDisplName="Department" MSExFieldFullID="0x3A18001F" MapiPropTag="PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME" />
      <Map UpdFieldName = "Division" MapFieldID="18"/>
  4. Restart CRM.interface application pool and connector service.
    Note: Since the synchronization of contact persons is unidirectional, there is no need to change the style sheet SyncML_gw2mm.xslt.