Search refinement web part

The Search Refinement web part is an extremely powerful way to filter content within Bonzai using the SharePoint search engine. As opposed to the out of the box SharePoint refiner web part it provides the following capabilities:

  • Ability to select multiple values in a filter
  • Ability to configure your own custom filters
  • Ability to filter down filters
  • Ability to quickly clear all search filters

Search Refinement web part

This web part can be used in conjunction with a search results or content by search web part to provide rich filtering capabilities and provides a simple, beautiful user experience to users.

Search refinement web part options

The search refinement web part offers the following configuration options:

Result Source

This is the result source that refinement values are retrieved from. This should be the same as any Search Results web part or Content By Search web part so that consistency is enforced.

Result Source


Filter defines the refinement filters that is defined for users. They are entered in the format Label:Managed Property.


Sort Order

Defines the order in which the refinement values are returned and can be either alphabetical or count.

Sort order