Database attach

This method works best when Bonzai Intranet is the only site collection in the content database and for content databases with multiple site collections that are all being migrated together.

Do not use this approach directly if the content database contains site collections you do not wish to migrate -- you need to move them to a new content database or perform a site collection backup and restore.

In the destination farm, ensure there is no site collection present in the path where you intend the migrated Bonzai Intranet site collection to reside.

For example, if Bonzai Intranet is going in the root site collection ("/") of a web application, ensure there is no site collection at the root.

Another example, if it is going in /sites/Bonzai, ensure this path does not already exist. If the path exists, the database attach into SharePoint fails and the site collection will not be present in the farm.


This applies for all site collections in the database. If you are attaching a database that contains Bonzai Intranet and other site collections, none of the paths used by these site collections should exist in the destination web application otherwise the attach will fail.

Below are the steps to migrate using Database Attach: