Managed property to user profile property mapping

Employee Directories are a key component of any intranet, enabling staff to find each other using various criteria over and above simple Name or Location search.

Bonzai Intranet provides an attractive and easily-customized Employee Directory, flexible enough to meet the needs of most organizations.

The below table is a listing of the default mapping of Managed Properties to the corresponding User Profile Property Display Name and User Profile Property Internal Name:

Managed Property User Profile Property Display Name User Profile Property Internal Name
UserName User Name UserName
PreferredName Name PreferredName
FirstName First Name FirstName
LastName Last Name LastName
WorkPhone Work Phone WorkPhone
JobTitle Job Title SPS-JobTitle
AboutMe About Me AboutMe
Responsibilities Ask Me About SPS-Responsibility
WorkEmail Work Email WorkEmail
MobilePhone Mobile Phone CellPhone
<none>* Fax Fax
<none>* Home Phone HomePhone
OfficeNumber Office Office
BaseOfficeLocation Office Location SPS-Location
Department Department Department
<none>* Manager Manager
<none>* Proxy addresses SPS-ProxyAddresses
<none>* Assistant Assistant
PastProjects Past Projects SPS-PastProjects
Skills Skills SPS-Skills
Schools Schools SPS-School
<none>* Birthday SPS-Birthday
Interests Interests SPS-Interests

*There exists no Managed Property for this User Profile Property in a default SharePoint 2013 installation. A new Managed Property needs to be created and mapped to the crawled User Profile Property to enable search on these values.