Content targeting column

This column is used to allow users to enter in content targeting options for all content within Bonzai Intranet. This column name can be changed to the content category for easier content authoring for users.

For example, Content Target Option One can be rename to Location which then automatically updates in the page layouts and associated content types:

Configuration Options Column One Value
Column Name Content Target Options One
Column Group Bonzai Shared Columns
Internal Name OwlContentTargetOptionsOne
Column Type Managed Metadata
Allow Multiple Values True
Term Set Settings Points to Content Target Options One
Configuration Option Column Two Value
Column Name Content Target Options Two
Column Group Bonzai Shared Columns
Internal Name OwlContentTargetOptionsTwo
Column Type Managed Metadata
Allow Multiple Values True
Term Set Settings Points to Content Target Options Two
Configuration Option Column Three Value
Column Name Content Target Options Three
Column Group Bonzai Shared Columns
Internal Name OwlContentTargetOptionsThree
Column Type Managed Metadata
Allow Multiple Values True
Term Set Settings Points to Content Target Options Three
Configuration Option Column Four Value
Column Name Content Target Options Four
Column Group Bonzai Shared Columns
Internal Name OwlContentTargetOptionsFour
Column Type Managed Metadata
Allow Multiple Values True
Term Set Settings Points to Content Target Options Four