XML Service

The XML Service acts as a SOAP wrapper for CRM.interface XML.

The service takes an XML structure in the CRM.interface "dialect" as input, and returns the raw XML response for the given operation.

This service is fully compatible with CRM.interface and might be the right choice in performance-intensive scenarios (i.e. when you need maximum control over query syntax).

Please refer to the Technical Guide of CRM.interface for a detailed description about the architecture and a full syntax reference for the interface XML dialect.

ProcessStringResponse ProcessString(ProcessStringRequest request)

ProcessNodeResponse ProcessNode(ProcessNodeRequest request)

You can either pass plain text (using ProcessString) or an XML document to the XML service (using ProcessNode) as illustrated in the code fragment of our test client tool.

XmlNode nodeResponse;
if (_properties.TransferMode == TransferMode.String) nodeResponse = xmlClient.ProcessString(request);

{   var requestDoc = new XmlDocument();
    nodeResponse = xmlClient.ProcessNode(requestDoc.DocumentElement);