Common Services

These services perform generic tasks such as authentication management, session management, user messaging and metadata extraction / manipulation.

Many of the more complex services rely on these, and they are intended be re-used when developing or integrating 3rd party applications.

One of the services provided as part of the Common Services is known as Query2Service. It can be called from within the administration interface and allows the generation and deployment of new, custom services on the basis of a query definition, in effect making any CRM query available via its own, specific service (e.g. a "Top 10 Opportunities" service). This is particularly useful in portal integration projects.


public string[] AddService(string service)

AddService creates a common CRUD service for a business object. The generated service can then be used to access data of this business object and all of its related business objects.

Note: Please note that services created directly using this method is not displayed in the Custom CRUD interface.


public string[] AddWebQueryAsService(string name)

AddWebQueryAsService allows for executing a web query.


public string[] AddWinQueryAsService(string name)

AddWinQueryAsService allows for executing a win query.


public string[] CatalogValues(string tableName, string fieldName)

CatalogValues returns the catalog values for field of an business object (table).


public string[] CatalogValuesById(long catalogId)

CatalogValuesById returns the available catalog values of a certain catalog with a given ID.


public object[] CatalogValuesDetailed(string tableName, string fieldName, string includeLocked)

CatalogValuesDetailed delivers the catalog details for the given business object, field and a certain locked status.


public bool IsLoggedIn()

IsLoggedIn indicates if a user is currently logged in.


public string[] Login(string username, string password, long languageId)

Login performs a login.


public void Logout()

Logout performs a log out.


public string[] Merge(string tablename, string mode, string verbose, string sourceRecId, string sourceExtSystem, string sourceExtKey, string destinationRecId, string destinationExtSystem, string destinationExtKey)

Merge allows for merging of two records. The records can be defined either by their record Id or by an External System and Key combination. The tablename is the name of the business objects being merged. The mode can be source or destination.


public string[] MetaInfo(string tableName)

MetaInfo returns the meta information for a business object (table). The MetaInfo contains full details of the contents of a business object, its fields (type, size, etc…), indexes, parents, children, etc….


public string[] SendMessage(string repId, string message)

SendMessage sends a message to the Rep with the given Id.


public string[] Status()

Status returns information about the CRM.interface settings, logged in users, active processes on the server and other information related to the server.


public string[] TableNames()

TableNames returns a list of all business objects (tables).