New Features in Service Pack 2

Learn about the new features in SP2.

Note: These features are available in the latest hotfix of CRM.webservices for Service Pack 1 (version as well.

Restful CRUD services

It is now possible to not only to create SOAP endpoints, but also RESTful CRUD services. See REST Support and REST Message format for further information.

New CRUD services options

With this version we introduced a couple of new options for generating CRUD services. These options are intended to support client systems, which are not capable to handle complex data types or session cookies.

Generate methods with credentials

Some client applications are not able to handle session cookies – with this option it is possible to create CRUD methods, which implement the CRM-Login (user, password and language id) as additional parameter.

Generate simple conditions

Some client applications are not able to handle recursions in WSDL – with this option it is possible to create simple condition objects without recursions.

Generate service namespaces

You can now define if the service contract should be created with namespaces when a webservice is created.

REST Support and REST Message format

This option allows for additionally creating a RESTful service endpoint. RESTful services expose resources via URIs, and clients access these resources using the four HTTP verbs.

Note: For CRM.webservices only GET and POST are used.

For example - using GET for QueryCompany would require mapping objects describing search conditions or sort criteria to parts of query string because GET doesn’t accept complex parameters. And e.g. conditions can be quite complex the generation and maintenance or such an URL and be a nightmare. An alternative would be encoding those objects into string for example and send this as query parameter. But that would require client applications to call additional methods before sending their request to the webservcie endpoint and require an additional decoding step at the service enpoint.

CRUD Services for ES, R2 and R3

CRM.webservices can now also be created for the Central login configuration (ES), Login role (R2) and Rep role (R3) info areas.

Note: The following tables are still treated as internal and therefore cannot be exposed as CRUD services:
  • T0 (Stationconfiguration), T1 (Usertracking), T2 (Sessiontracking), T3 (Processtracking), T5 (ProtocolRead), T6 (ProtocolWrite)
  • US (LoginFile)
  • FT (Format)

Recreation of Services

Under some circumstances it is unavoidable that CRM.webservices contain breaking changes and therefore it might be necessary to recreate the services. To make the process easier, it is possible to select multiple services and recreate them all at once.

Note: We explicitly mention it in the Bug Fix list, if the installation of a version requires the recreation of CRUD services.