Q & A Page

The Questions and Answers Page can be accessed by navigating to “Q & A” within the grey bar containing the available pages.


The page consists of 3 sections, displaying different content sources. Each of the sections allows for previewing the question’s subject, body, views, likes and comments. Questions can be opened by clicking the blue subject text.

Team Questions

This list displays all questions which have been asked directly within this particular Opportunity Collaboration Space. Questions, which are created via the Collaboration Page’s Ask the Team button end up in this list.

Legal Questions

This list displays all questions which have been asked to the Legal Team. Its purpose is to quickly identify recently asked legal questions, which could prove beneficial in collaborating on the Opportunity. Questions, which are created via the Collaboration Page’s Ask Legal button end up in this list.

Community Questions

This list displays all questions which have been asked to the entire community. Its purpose is to quickly identify recently asked community questions, which could prove beneficial in collaborating on the Opportunity. Questions, which are created via the Collaboration Page’s Ask the Community button end up in this list.