Bonzai Intranet architecture differentials

Bonzai Intranet is a unique offering combining maximum flexibility, security and extensibility.

Some of the architectural items that make Bonzai Intranet unique as opposed to custom built or other third party solutions is the following:

  • All content is stored within your SharePoint environment: Bonzai Intranet does not store any physical content as part of your implementation. All items are stored using standard SharePoint libraries and lists which ensures that content is completely secure, can be easily backed up and remains even if the Bonzai Intranet application is removed. In addition, any type of policies such as Information Rights Management, Records Management or Data Loss Prevention can be applied to Bonzai Intranet.
  • We use client side code exclusively: Nothing on Bonzai Intranet requires server side code which is in line with Microsoft best practices. This results in a smaller footprint on your SharePoint sever, the ability to seamlessly migrate from On-Premise to the cloud and the ability to quickly update our codebase from the Bonzai Intranet CDN without any downtime.
  • Created using React.js and the most modern tooling available: We use the best tooling available from everywhere. This resulted in us using the best modern tooling available including React.js, Webpack, Gulp and a number of modern javascript libraries.
  • You can use both SharePoint and Bonzai Intranet Web Parts: Since we built on SharePoint you can use any of the existing and newly created web parts that SharePoint and Microsoft is developing.
  • Easily Integrate third party tools: If you have existing third party tools or web parts that you have developed then they can easily be integrated into Bonzai Intranet. We have tested Bonzai Intranet with many third-party solutions and have integrated in industry leading tools such as Nintex Forms and Workflow into the product.
  • Engineered to support the SharePoint Framework: Microsoft is currently working on a new development model called the SharePoint Framework. This framework is designed to support client side written applications such as Bonzai Intranet by providing additional tooling. The current version of the SharePoint Framework only supports web parts but in the future when Microsoft provides the ability for custom page layouts and other attributes Bonzai Intranet makes use of these capabilities.