News result type

News Result Type

The news type shows the following information:

  • News Title
  • News Icon
  • Site Name and Link
  • URL
  • Search Snippet
  • News Page Category
  • Published By
  • Published Date
  • Tags
  • Comment Count
  • Likes Count
  • View

The following managed properties are used for this result type:

Item Mapped Managed Property
News Title Title
Site Name and Link SiteTitle
URL Path
News Image OwlNewsPageImage
Search Snippet HitHighlightedSummary
News Page Category OwlNewsPageCategory
Published By OwlNewsPageAuthor
Published Date OwlNewsPagePublishDate
Tags OwlTags
Likes Count LikesCount
Views ViewsLifeTime
Comment Count Clients side call and not mapped to a managed property