Configuring Merge Audit Log

You can configure to merge the audit logs of linked documents.

To merge document audit logs:

  1. Select Audit Log from NextDocs Features in NextDocs Feature Management
  2. On the configuration page, click on the checkbox labeled Allow Merge with Linked Document Audit Logs
  3. Select the library where the linked documents are stored from the Linked Document Library menu. This menu displays all allowable libraries.
  4. Select a metadata column from the Metadata Column menu. This is the column associated with the library you are currently configuring.
  5. Select the Metadata Column in the Linked Document Library. This is the column that is in the library where the linked document is stored.
    Tip: If you select to merge the audit logs from the audit log reports of two documents, the metadata identified in the two previous steps must match.
  6. Click OK