Inform admin users about the following events

Note: In case the messaging system is down, connector will not be able to send e-mails and therefore this notification feature will fail.

Connector stops on groupware server errors, exclusion of all mailboxes or too many reinitializations: If this option is enabled, the defined administrative user(s) is/are informed if connector stops because of one of the above mentioned events.

Mailbox gets excluded from synchronization: If this option is enabled, the defined administrative user(s) is/are informed if a mailbox is removed from the list of synchronization users. Basically there will be solely one e-mail per mailbox until connector either is restarted or reinitialized. (And – of course – the problem accessing this mailbox is persistent).

Connector's messaging server access module reinitializes: If this option is enabled, the defined administrative user(s) is/are informed if connector reinitialized the connection to the messaging system.

One of the above defined CRM.interface occurs: If this option is enabled, the defined administrative user(s) is/are informed if CRM.interface errors occur.

Smtp addresses of administrative users to be informed about errors: You can specify a list of SMTP addresses which should receive such information messages as defined above.
Note: Only one e-mail is sent if an error occurs, e-mails are not sent if the same error occurs when subsequently synchronizing the same appointment again.