Your AlertFind Account

Your AlertFind account contains all of the information that AlertFind uses to contact you. Your organization determines which information you can change, which information your AlertFind administrator or team leader can change, and which information can only be changed by a data import from your organization into AlertFind.

Your user account contains three basic types of information:

  • Account Information—Includes certain default user information, such as time zones and business hours. You can edit some account information by following the instructions under Edit Your Account Information.
  • Devices—Includes all devices that AlertFind can use to deliver a notification to you. Devices include phones, email, pagers, SMS devices, faxes, and Blackberry devices. It is important that you keep this information up-to-date and correct so that AlertFind can always contact you. See Customize Your Devices.
  • Notification Profiles and Rules—Includes definitions of what devices are used to deliver notifications to you according to the time of day, day of week, or holiday period when a notification is sent. You can customize notification profiles, but not rules. See Customize Notification Profiles and Rules.
  • Location Preferences - Includes a map to specify your location.