NAESB EDM File Upload

A reliable transport protocol for the exchange of EDI documents.

The North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) serves as an industry forum for the development and promotion of standards. As per government regulation all file transfer must follow NAESB standards. For more infomration, see

The NAESB EDM File Upload web page can be used to transfer pgp encrypted file in x12, FlatFile or error format. To know more about pgp encryption, see

To upload a file:
  1. Go to

  2. Enter the From Common Code. This is the unique sender's code, usually the utility.
  3. Enter the To Common Code. This is the unique receiver's code, usually the Suppliers/Resellers.
  4. Attach file. The file should have '.pgp' extention.
  5. Enter the Duns number in ReceiptDisposition and select ReceiptReport.
    Note: Step 5 is required only if 1.5 and above is selected from Version.
  6. Click Send File. Enter your credentials on the pop up displayed and click Sign in. Success message is displayed, if sending is successful.

    Sample successful receipt

    Content-type: text/html
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Acknowledgement Receipt Success</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><P>time-c=20190821041209*request-status=ok**trans-id=43284287*</P></BODY></HTML>
    Content-type: text/plain
    time-c=20190821041209*  // Submission Timestamp
    request-status=ok*      //Submission status*   //server identifier
    trans-id=43284287*   // unique transaction id for the submission
    Note: The input need to be configured in advance before uploading a file.
    Note: NAESB transfer protocol supports many versions:
    • 1.2-1.5 - uses HTTP or HTTPS
    • >1.6 - uses HTTPS only
    • >1.8 - decrypt file
    • >1.9 - decrypt receipt
    Note: Upload accepts only known partner files.

The upload process is usually automated. The send button passes parameters with HTTP POST request to our server. 3rd party automation does the same thing but without this webform. This web page is for testing or confirmation purpose.

There are two flows from business point of view: Inbound and Outbound. Inbound communication is from Partner to Client while outbound is reverse process.