Translation Error

The Translation Error report displays unprocessed transactions due to a map validation error.

When choosing Translation Error under Report Type, the following filters are available to refine your search:

After defining the search criteria, click Submit to start your search. You can also click Reset if you want to restart your selection process.

The search results include the summary of transactions that did not get sent successfully. Based on this information, the client can tell which transaction failed and the reason it failed so it can be corrected and resent. By catching these transactions at the AES xChange translator the client gets a response within the same day instead of waiting for the reject transaction to be sent from the Utility or ISO. This allows the client to quickly turn around a corrected transaction. Use the scroll bars and navigational links at bottom of the page to move through the list of transactions returned for your search. The following details are shown for each transaction listed in the search results:

Translation Error Results