The Data Received/Sent Summary report provides a summary count of transactions
received/sent for a specified date range.
When choosing Data Received/Sent under Report Type, the following filters are
available to refine your search:
- Direction – Here you can select Received or Sent depending on the
- From and To – Here you can enter a date and time range to refine your search
- Sort By – This filter allows you to sort the search result based on one of the
following criteria:
- Trading Partner
- Timestamp Ascending
- Timestamp Descending
- Transaction Set
- Account Number
- Transaction Sets – This filter allows you to refine your search by choosing a
particular transaction type.
- Transaction Status – This filter allows you to refine your search by selecting a
particular transaction status. The Transaction status types available for selection include
Duplicate, FAPartial, FAPending, FARecvd, FAReject, FAwErrors, Incomplete, Ok, Overdue,
ReadyToSend, SendFailed, Sent, and TransError.
- Account Number – This filter allows you to enter an account number and restrict
your search results to only transactions for that particular account number.
- Transaction Number – This filter allows you to enter a transaction number and
restrict your search results to only that transaction.
After defining the search criteria, click Submit to start your search. You can also
click Reset if you want to restart your selection process.
The search results include the comprehensive list of transactions matching the specified
filter criteria. Use the scroll bars and navigational links at bottom of the page to navigate
through the list of transactions returned for your search. Here are the following details as
shown for each transaction listed in the search results:
- Partner – Sender/Receiver names
- Set ID – Transaction set and sub-set
- AcctNo – Account number found in named file
- DocumentNo – Unique transaction number
- Stat Code – Reject/Status Code. For more information see, Transaction Status Codes.
- LifeCycle – Life Cycle Number
- Date – Date transaction was processed
- Time – Time transaction was processed
- Dir – Inbound or Outbound direction indicator
- CR Duns – Duns number for the CR
- TDSP Duns – Duns for the trading partner
- Status – Transaction status
- Dtl – Link to the transmission detail for the transaction
- X12 – Link to the raw X12 format of the transaction data
- PRISM – Link to the PRISM format of the transaction data
- 820 – Link to the 820 transaction detail if there is one included in the search